Garrett's Their Eyes Were Watching God Site


Here's a Theme

            "There are years that ask questions, and years that answer them." (Pg. 21)


             There is not one person who knows everything, nor will there ever be a person like that; questions get asked and some questions get answered.  Some years you just live your live, not quite knowing why of how things happen.  Yet other years you can look back on your life and figure out exactly why things happened the way they did.  For example, Janie might wonder why her first two marriages did not turn out well until she meets Tea Cake.  Once she meets Tea Cake, the man she really loves, it will become clear to her that the reason that she left Logan and Jody died was to lead her to Tea Cake.  There are some years that just to happen and you have no idea what is going on and some years when you recieve answers.  Everything becomes clearer with time. (Picture)